01956 2200301 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001200123084001800135100002900153245002200182260003900204300004000243500002600283504001100309520110700320650004501427650003801472990002401510990002401534990002401558990002401582990002401606990002401630INLIS00000000000813420221101022300 a0010-0520008134221101 | | eng  a9781401857141 aeng a344.046 a344.046 SCH e0 aSchroeder, thiKathryn L.1 aEnvironmental law aNew York :bDelmar Learning,c2008 axxvii, 414 p. :b: illus. ;c24 cm. aIndeks : p. 405 - 414 ap. 333 aEnvironmental Law is written in a style that allows the non-law student to receive a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the legal system and the regulation of the natural world. Environmental law is a complex area; this text takes an easy to understand approach that allows the student a broad, basic, but complete comprehension of the field. It includes many features such as an outline of the legal processes relevant to environmental law, descriptions of federal and state law and regulations, and special features on recent topics related to environmental law. There are pertinent articles included, as well as case law and case law summaries that allow for an understanding of how environmental laws and regulations are applied and interpreted by the court system. Other learning features include a complete list of acronyms used in the field and discussion questions that lead to further understanding of the technical aspects of the subject as well as ease of reading environmental articles. Different perspectives on environmental regulations are also explored 4aEnvironmental protection - United States 4aEnvironmental law - United States a18669/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18670/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18669/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18670/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18670/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18669/MKRI-P/X-2010