01850 2200301 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001200127084001800139100002100157245006100178250001300239260005700252300003800309500002600347520092000373650006901293650004201362990002401404990002401428990002401452990002401476990002401500990002401524INLIS00000000000830520221103021303 a0010-0520008305221103 | | eng  a978-1-4390-7981-2 aeng a346.048 a346.048 BUR l0 aBurgunder, Lee B1 aLegal Aspects of Managing Technology /cLee B. Burgunder a5th. ed. aMason, Ohio :bSouth-Western Cengage Learning,c2007 axvi, 608 p. :b: illus. ;c26 cm. aIndeks : p. 597 - 608 aThe fifth edition of LEGAL ASPECTS OF MANAGING TECHNOLOGY guides students through the complex legal issues involved with today’s fast-paced, rapidly-changing technology environment. This textbook offers a comprehensive presentation of intellectual property rights and solid coverage of other key topics including e commerce, privacy, antitrust, and biotechnology. Its goal is not to make readers legal experts; rather it is too allow managers to understand the fundamental legal issues pertinent to technology management so that they can competently create strategic plans in consultation with their attorneys. Regardless of students’ majors or future career plans – be it in business, management, computer science, engineering, architecture, biology, or law – this text provides students with the tools they need for understanding, applying, and anticipating fundamental legal issues related to technology. 4aHigh technology industries - Law and legislation-- United States 4aIntellectual property - United States a18643/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18644/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18643/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18644/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18644/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18643/MKRI-P/X-2010