01643 2200325 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001300123084001900136100002300155245003000178250001300208260003500221300003000256500002600286500002600312504001100338520070600349650005901055650005901114990002401173990002401197990002401221990002401245990002401269990002401293INLIS00000000000831320221101080720 a0010-0520008313221101 | | eng  a9781439085318 aeng a342.0878 a342.0878 LIN l0 aLindgren, J. Ralph14aLaw of Sex Discrimination a4th. Ed. aBoston, MA :bWadsworth,c2005 axi, 168p.; 21cm. ;c21cm. aInternational Edition aIndeks : p. 487 - 479 ap. 460 aAn honest and informative text on sex discrimination and the law, THE LAW OF SEX DISCRIMINATION, International Edition approaches the idea of using law to analyze sex discrimination from a variety of contexts: as an occasion for ideological disputes, as a reflection of contemporary policy debates over the future direction of society, and as part of the historical development of - and response to - feminism. Fully updated for 21st century, this flexibly organized text examines topics that range from reproductive rights to global trends in gender law, and includes appendices that deal with the court system, a brief discussion of how to outline cases, and a glossary of legal and technical terms. 4aSex discrimination against women - Law and legislation 4aSex discrimination in employment - Law and legislation a18677/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18678/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18678/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18677/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18677/MKRI-P/X-2010 a18678/MKRI-P/X-2010