01039 2200277 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082000800123084001400131100002500145245004900170250001000219260003500229300004000264500002300304520029300327650001100620990002600631990002600657990002600683990002600709990002600735INLIS00000000000882720221013092033 a0010-0520008827221013 | | eng  a9780966190892 aeng a170 a170 SKU m0 aSkutch, Alexander F.1 aMoral Foundations: an introduction to ethics aed. 1 aNew York :bAxios Press,c2007 a577 :bxvi, 577p.; 21 cm. ;c21 cm. aIndeks : p.553-577 aMorality is essentially the conscious effort to cultivate harmony in our individual lives, with the people around us, and at its best with the wider realm of nature and the planet that supports us. Ethics is the division of philosophy that studies morality in all its diverse expressions. 4aEthics a20838/MKRI-P/III-2011 a20839/MKRI-P/III-2011 a20840/MKRI-P/III-2011 a20841/MKRI-P/III-2011 a20842/MKRI-P/III-2011