na INLIS000000000000900 20221026114758 0010-0520000900 221026 | | eng 1555879802 eng 337 337 INT International Political Economy Of The Environment International Political Economy Of The Environment / Edited by Dimitris Stevis London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001 xiii, 255 p.;23cm ; 23cm Indeks : p.295-307 Before the late 1980s, the range of conceptual approaches in in the literature on the international relations of the environment in general, and the international political economy (IPE) of the environment in particular, was quite limited. During the past ten years or so, however, the literature has grown in quantity and quality. The goal of this book is to introduce a critical approach to the IPE of the environment an approach that focuses on the historical development and framing of environmental problems and solutions and that seeks to understand the social priorities or purpose that differing problems and solutions reflect. 12484/MKRI-P/IV-2009 12484/MKRI-P/IV-2009