01455 2200277 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001500097041000800112082001700120084002300137100002300160700003500183700002400218245006500242260004000307300001600347500001900363504001700382520064700399650003601046650004301082990002601125990002601151INLIS00000000000901520221031030352 a0010-0520009015221031 | | eng  a9839088769 aeng a340.590.9595 a340.590.9595 THA l0 aThani, Nik Norzrul0 aMohamed Ridza Mohamed Abdullah0 aMegatHizaini Hassan1 aLaw And Practice of Islamic and finance /cNik Norzrul Thani aMalaysia :bTallfellow Press,c2003 avii.690 hlm aIndeks : Index aBibliography ain Malaysia, the establishment of an Islamic Bank in 1983 was an answer to the aspirations of a large number of Muslims who had been continually asking the government to set up a bank that will carry out banking business guided by the principles of Islam. The book concentrates on various legal issues, including pertinent concepts relating to the Shari?ah perspective on Islamic banking, finance and Takaful, as well as the application of the law in practice. Furthermore, the book also incorporates (in the Appendix) important statutes and regulations governing the practice of Islamic banking, finance, private debt securities and Takaful. 4a1.Banking(Islamic Law)-Malaysia 4a2.Finance-Law and Legislation-Malaysia a06791/MKRI-P/XII-2007 a06791/MKRI-P/XII-2007