01156 2200205 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001900097041000800116082001100124084001700135100001800152245009900170260004500269520050600314650008000820990002500900990002500925INLIS00000000000963020221020081913 a0010-0520009630221020 | | eng  a978-0804770774 aeng a320.01 a320.01 HED r0 aHedrick, Todd1 aRawls and Habermas : reason, pluralism, and the claims of political philosophy /cTodd Hedrick aCalifornia :bStanford University,c2010 aFreestanding political philosophy and the descriptivist critique of Rawls -- The Rawlsian apparatus of justification -- Rawls between metaphysics and proceduralism -- Procedure and substance, construction and reconstruction -- Discourse theory and the constitutional democratic state -- Proceduralism and functionalism in Habermas’s theory of law and democracy -- Rawls and the critique of constitutional contractarianism -- Habermasian constitutional theory -- Conclusion : idealizations and power. 4aRawls, John, 1921-2002. Habermas, Ju¨rgen. Political science --Philosophy. a22609/MKRI-P/XI-2011 a22609/MKRI-P/XI-2011