na INLIS000000000009837 20200508204957 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 978-90-04-39669-2 010-0520009837 eng 341 341/DIS/F Giovanni Distefano Fundamentals of Public International Law Leiden Brill 2019 xxxviii, 954 pp. <a href="">e-book</a> Fundamentals of Public International Law, by Giovanni Distefano, provides an overview of public international laws main principles and fundamental institutions. By introducing the foundations of the legal reasoning underlying public international law, the extensive volume offers essential tools for any international lawyer, regardless of the specific field of specialization. Dealing expansively with subjects, sources and guarantees of international law, university students, scholars and practitioners alike will benefit from the book’s treatment of what has been called the “Institutes” of public international law. Public International Law International Law International Relations