01475 2200205 4500001002100000005001500021008004100036020002200077035001900099041000800118082001000126084001600136100002700152245005900179260002400238500006400262520089400326650002401220650002501244INLIS00000000000990720200508205015200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| a978-90-04-34595-9 0010-0520009907 aeng0 a305.8 a305.8/HER/R0 aTanya Kateri Hernandez00aRacial Discrimination : Comparative Discrimination Law aLeidenbBrillc2019 ae-book aThis fifth volume in the Brill Research Perspectives in Comparative Discrimination Law surveys the field of comparative race discrimination law for the purpose of providing an introduction to the nature of comparing systems of discrimination and the transnational search for effective equality laws and policies. This volume includes the perspectives of racialized subjects (subalterns) in the examination of the reach of the laws on the ground. It engages a variety of legal and social science resources in order to compare systems across a number of contexts (such as the United States, Canada, France, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Israel, India, and others). The goal is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various kinds of anti-discrimination legal devices to aid in the study of law reform efforts across the globe centered on racial equality. 0aRace discrimination 0aLaw and legislation.